Balinese Carved Pumpkin

Here is a great story from Scott
I just discovered your cool site, and wanted to share some photos with you
which you might enjoy. Back in 1999, I was living on the island of Bali in
Indonesia, and my teenage kids decided they wanted to introduce the
Halloween holiday to their Balinese friends. They held a party, and, when
inviting their friends, suggested that anyone who wanted to could bring
along a carved pumpkin as well. Only two kids took them up on their offer.
One brought a traditional (and rather unimaginative) pumpkin, but the other
brought the most amazing pumpkin I've ever seen.
The pumpkins available in Bali are smaller than those found in North
America, and have a harder and yellower skin, with a very thick rind. These
traits make it hard to carve a traditional jack-o-lantern, but offered a
unique opportunity for one enterprising Balinese lad. The carver, whose name
is Gupa, was in 7th grade at the time. He started by skinning the pumpkin,
and then carved a Balinese demon, with features in 3 dimensions. The result
was very impressive, especially considering it was his first attempt at
carving a pumpkin (he is, however, an accomplished and creative woodcarver).
I have attached a photo of Gupa's creation. Pumpkin creativity is alive on the other side of the world!
I just discovered your cool site, and wanted to share some photos with you
which you might enjoy. Back in 1999, I was living on the island of Bali in
Indonesia, and my teenage kids decided they wanted to introduce the
Halloween holiday to their Balinese friends. They held a party, and, when
inviting their friends, suggested that anyone who wanted to could bring
along a carved pumpkin as well. Only two kids took them up on their offer.
One brought a traditional (and rather unimaginative) pumpkin, but the other
brought the most amazing pumpkin I've ever seen.
The pumpkins available in Bali are smaller than those found in North
America, and have a harder and yellower skin, with a very thick rind. These
traits make it hard to carve a traditional jack-o-lantern, but offered a
unique opportunity for one enterprising Balinese lad. The carver, whose name
is Gupa, was in 7th grade at the time. He started by skinning the pumpkin,
and then carved a Balinese demon, with features in 3 dimensions. The result
was very impressive, especially considering it was his first attempt at
carving a pumpkin (he is, however, an accomplished and creative woodcarver).
I have attached a photo of Gupa's creation. Pumpkin creativity is alive on the other side of the world!