The World's Fastest Pumpkin Carver

I have a very narrow realm of knowledge so I decided to make a tool with which to carve pumpkins. I can make very few things, I can't make furniture, I can't bake cookies, I can't manage to make any money from this website, but I can make a big heavy device with sharp edges. So I did.
Last Friday, I spent the night in my Art School's metal shop and welded up what I am calling the pumpkin thumper. It is a big piece of pipe with some blades welded to it. The goal is to smash a pumpkin with it and instantly carve a pumpkin. How can anyone beat my record if I carve a pumpkin instantly! See the video below to watch it in action.
You will have to pardon my excitement when it actually works. Before the clip you see here, I spent 20 minutes making a fool of myself in front of my friends. I smashed the first 3 pumpkins to bits with this thing.
I borrowed the video equipment for this video from work. I run Here is the official company video. It is sort of straight-forward. It isn't a great video, but I am proud of the work we do.