How To Help Me

Some folks have written to ask how to contribute money to this website. No thanks. I really don't want donations. Instead, if you want to do me a favor, I would like it if you gave my business a try.
Since 1998 I have made a living providing people like yourself with the most private way to purchase personal items. My company tries to find the most embarrassing items in the world then we give you the ability to shop in private for them. We fill your order quickly and accurately and then we never, ever, ever contact you after the sale. Over 250,000 people have ordered from us and I hope you will be next. Here is a list of websites that I own and operate I hope one of them offers something you will like. - Shop In Private is the worlds most private drugstore. Next time, instead of going to the drugstore to buy condoms, preparation-h, or any other embarrassing stuff, Shop In Private for those items at The prices are really great and the privacy policy is unbeatable. Also, we sell items that no drugstores carry; truly embarrassing items. - is the world's largest supplier of merchandise for bachelorette parties. We have over 500 different bachelorette party items. Most of which would be very uncomfortable to buy in person. So, if you are planning a bachelorette party I hope you will remember your friend Tom and his website of products. The name is easy enough,
BulletSafe Bulletproof Vests - Recently, I used my experience with ballistics testing and Engineering to launch a new company. BulletSafe makes a great bulletproof vest at an unbelievable price. It is the best value in bulletproof vests, by far. I'm really proud of it. - We use vibration and sound-testing equipment to choose the best vibrators in the world and we sell them to you. We have great toys from $9 and up.
Thanks for helping me keep this site running.