My latest cannibal pumpkin

I carved this cannibal pumpkin in 2006 while I was completing the book Extreme Pumpkins (see the link at the bottom of the page to buy your very own copy of this halloween classic). It was easy because I used a reciprocating saw to do all of the work.
The large pumpkin was over 100 lbs. It was worth it though, because everyone loves a big pumpkin, especially if you have carved it well.
I would suggest you try carving a giant pumpkin. See my book for some fun tips on how to dispose of a giant pumpkin.
The large pumpkin was over 100 lbs. It was worth it though, because everyone loves a big pumpkin, especially if you have carved it well.
I would suggest you try carving a giant pumpkin. See my book for some fun tips on how to dispose of a giant pumpkin.