Drowning In A Bag - Creepy

This is the creepiest pumpkin I have ever seen. When it starts to get dark outside it REALLY looks strange.
With a pumpkin like this, you won't have to give out any candy on halloween because no kids will come to your house.
Be sure to use a heavy trash bag and plain water will do just fine. Before you put the pumpkin in the bag, you might want to wash it off first so that dirt and guts don't cloud up the water too much.
Also, putting a base of rocks or weights in the bottom of the bag will help hold it steady. We had trouble with our bag not standing up properly.
This is my favorite Extreme Pumpkin.
With a pumpkin like this, you won't have to give out any candy on halloween because no kids will come to your house.
Be sure to use a heavy trash bag and plain water will do just fine. Before you put the pumpkin in the bag, you might want to wash it off first so that dirt and guts don't cloud up the water too much.
Also, putting a base of rocks or weights in the bottom of the bag will help hold it steady. We had trouble with our bag not standing up properly.
This is my favorite Extreme Pumpkin.