Kerry Has A Liberal Wealth of Fuzzy Mold

John Kerry has become a little fuzzier lately. It seems like every crack in his face has produced a fuzzy grey mold. I didn't touch the mold to see if it was hard or soft, I figured I should just leave it alone.
It is interesting that the one remaining part of mister Kerry seems to be his mouth. Perhaps this is a statement about all politicians. Could it be that even after the rest of their bodies is no longer capable of accomplishing anything their mouths will still continue to function? No matter how disgusting the appearance or rotted the insides of their heads we will still be subjected to what comes out of their pie holes. Then again, maybe not. Maybe it is just a pumpkin rotting in someone's back yard in Michigan.
It is interesting that the one remaining part of mister Kerry seems to be his mouth. Perhaps this is a statement about all politicians. Could it be that even after the rest of their bodies is no longer capable of accomplishing anything their mouths will still continue to function? No matter how disgusting the appearance or rotted the insides of their heads we will still be subjected to what comes out of their pie holes. Then again, maybe not. Maybe it is just a pumpkin rotting in someone's back yard in Michigan.