Killer Pumpkin Pie

This idea is a bit strange and the sketch is almost terrible, but I think the actual result would be fairly cool. It would be a very large pie (made of upholstery foam) that would contain a killer pumpkin inside it. After all of those delicious pumpkin pies that we have eaten over the years this pumpkin pie would bite back.
By the way, I don't know if Martha will agree, but I like my pumpkin pie to include only nutmeg. I have nothing against cinnamon, allspice, ginger or cloves, I just prefer my pumpkin pie to have only the flavors of pumpkin, nutmeg, and fresh whipped cream. You have to have fresh whipped cream. I am sure that Martha and I would agree on that.
By the way, I don't know if Martha will agree, but I like my pumpkin pie to include only nutmeg. I have nothing against cinnamon, allspice, ginger or cloves, I just prefer my pumpkin pie to have only the flavors of pumpkin, nutmeg, and fresh whipped cream. You have to have fresh whipped cream. I am sure that Martha and I would agree on that.